Wednesday, 24 December 2014

It's That Time of Year


It's that time of year to dress your poor pony up in tinsel and other festive gear and flaunt them around and hope some photos turn out kinda okay. 
What's to say last Sunday I did just that...

My pony does put up with a lot. 

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. 
Here's to another year of blogging!! 

From Jess and Mate. 

Friday, 5 December 2014

Overjoyed and Overweight

I've been so terrible with updating this blog. Time just flies - and it really doesn't help that I have nothing interesting to write about... 

Apart from the fact that my horse is awesome!!! 

We've failed in having a lesson in a while. With small at-home comps happening everywhere, my instructor being away, me being absent it hasn't happened in about a month. 
During that time, I've been forced to work under my own instruction (and I'm still not sure how I feel about that). 
The "long and low" game is happening. Which is good? Maybe? But I feel there's a very thin line between it being good and basically teaching him how to yank the reins from my hands and get praised for it. That'll definitely be a question for our next lesson... 

I also decided to chop all of Mate's lush mane off not long ago! (All though, mind you it's already grown back a lot more then first thought. )

And it honestly just makes jumping 1937264% more scary..: 

This, was last weekend at the end of year JRC (junior riding club) gymkhana - where I think Mate surprised us all. 

1st in Hacking/Rider class. 
2nd in flags. 
3rd in presentation.
3rd in bending. 
3rd in barrels. 
3rd in post the letter. 
4th in jumping. (!?!)
And a 4th for dressup. 

I also received a metal thing for attendance, a bottle of shampoo (which works a treat for ponies who like to cake themselves in mud right before something important *cough* Mate..), some stickers (equally as lame as it sounds), a bag of carrots and we also managed to come out with the instructors award. 

Fighting back the joyful/surprised/over-tired tears was a touch difficult. But the fear of humiliation outweighed the need. 

We scored the 3rd highest point score of our group!

In other, possibly more interesting news, I've been offered to ride/work an extremely lazy and fat thoroughbred named 'Archie'. Cared by my instructor an friend over at The Young Horse Experience. 

This seems to be an incredibly good angle for him. But he is wide

He's definitely a funny one - but I do like him and his weird views on life. 

All of last week I did work experience as part of school up at my agistment place - so I got to ride him a fair bit (more than Mate, actually!) The conclusion was...interesting. But, as I said before, I do like him! 

Hopefully many more adventures to come with all the overweight ponies...

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Pleasure Pony

I've officially had Mate for five whole months now! And what a better time to do a bit of a re-cap of our journey so far. 

First off, I'm reluctant in calling this particular post "Before and After" mainly because all the "before" pictures I have can be pasted off as extremely recent ones - he's just fatter and lost his winter coat.

Mate's first day:

Mate two weeks ago: 

Is it just me? Or does he look the same? Just less wooly - but! Thankfully, his attitude towards humans, work and life have changed the most. 

He's still arrogant and thinks it's okay to ignore what I'm asking and just do his own thing sometimes - but his personality is totally different. It was voiced to me right from the get go, that the one month trail would either go exceptionally well.. Or exceptionally bad. Within that month, he really bubbled. From a valley mule that had a reputation for doing everything wrong, turned a gorgeous little pony with much more love to give. 

I think it's fair to say we've experienced many ups and downs already - being off-and-on lame for months, saddle fitting issues ($$$), the surgery scare and just all the usual struggles that come along with owning a horse. But, as they say, it's a journey. 

Another thing that's just changed dramatically, is his training. This, I'm happy to take full credit for. And I am so extremely proud of what we have both accomplished during our time together. 

From this:


To this:


I still get some very "odd" looks from people when I tell them Mate will one day be a dressage horse - but ha! Now I'm laughing.
Of course, none of anything came easy. I "gave up" jumping a while ago and have been focusing a lot of our time on schooling and getting some proper training into this mule of a thing. And I can proudly say: it's paid off!



Aside from the fact that he's horrifically under the bit, I love these photos and how he's carrying himself. (read: this was more teaching the aid of putting his head down when I asked - it was held there for a stride or two) But, like everything else about him, it'll only get better from here!

Another adventure that I'll never forget, was our trip to the beach for my birthday earlier this year!

Full post can be viewed here.

I'm just having so much fun - it's unbelievable. Never in my wildest dreams would I had ever thought he'd be as perfect as he's been.

Like every other cheesy horse story, prior to getting Mate he wasn't very nice. In his last five months of still being classed as "a valley screw up" he was ridden about three times - once by me. It got to a point the staff members were concerned for their own safety and refused to ride him.

I mean... wouldn't you?

It's been the best time of my life so far and I can't wait for many more months to come!

Love my little man

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but Mate and I have been sticking to arena work lately. And I'm actually having a lot of fun - who would of thought flat work could be this enjoyable?
And you're talking to a girl who used to exclusively jump everything slightly jumpable ever.. But thankfully I've since been sworn off jumping after taking quite a liking to all this dressage business and usually find myself having more fun working on the flat rather than hooning around and falling off.

A (kind of) fun fact: The only times I've ever fallen off Mate is while we're either jumping or hooning around - although I think it's just the funniest when Mate plays up (read: bucks, rears or bolts) falling off is never a good thing...

Although I'm having a blast learning new things, Mate isn't quite meeting me half way... he's extremely lazy and doesn't try very hard. At the moment it's me doing the hard yards while he's happy and content with dragging his feet around with his bum in the air.

Look at him - so freaking lazy!

So we get weekly lessons from probably the greatest instructor ever, who I adore very much, and she just so happens to be very familiar with training horses and dressage (her area of expertise!)

In my past post, I mentioned that we had an epic lesson on Saturday. Of course, it had to be like 35 degrees and we just so happened to be doing very hard and strenuous exercises - but it was still pretty awesome.

*cough* heels *cough*

Anyway, so our main goal is 'collection'. Everyone's general idea of collection is different, of course.
Personally I see it as when (brace yourself) a horse can carry more weight on  it's hind end than on the forelegs, the back is raised as the stomach muscles are engaged. Flexing at the poll and carried lightly - this makes the "spring" like step that comes from the hindquarters much greater and more present while the horse is traveling. Reaching further underneath himself with both rhythm and impulsion; moving forward in an uphill manner while still under perfect control.

And if none of the above made any sort of sense what so ever: Dressage is basically horse dancing, meets body building.

Those writs, Jessika. Staphhhhh!

So with alllll of that said, we've been working on getting him to sit on his butt and push - surprisingly, he finds it quite easy (and, gosh, it's so beautiful he does) but being Mate he doesn't keep it for very long and tends to fall back on the reins and the forehand.


He's so lazy and is an overall butt-head. But those few strides are that gorgeous, we/I forgive him.

A few of the exercises we've been doing for a couple of weeks, and in our latest lesson, have mainly been focusing on that hind end (!!!)
It still always comes down to his laziness stopping him but the improvements that are noticed pushes me to keep going.

  • Leg yield of canter depart - always a fun one!
The title says it all, really. I ask for a trot on a 20 metre circle (with impulsion of course), leg yield a couple steps in the corner then transition into canter, then a 10 metre canter circle.
Doesn't sound too hard, yeah?
Honestly... it's not very hard (for me or the horse) but I do a good job at forgetting to do other things at the same time, and I'm sure my instructor can preach for that!

Now enjoy a list of all the other extremely simple things I have to remember and do at the same time but always, always, always never do unless someone screams them at me:
  • Asking for the correct lead in the transition into canter (read: lift inside rein an inch, twisting hips a smidgen ect.)
  • Leg on to keep the impulsion but also there with the reins to blocking him from just rushing into it
  • Then getting the impulsion back because he never can keep it. Obviously way too hard.
  • Collecting him back up
Let's just say I spend a lot of time apologising, okay.

  • Lengthenings -  my personal favourite.
Now, I am one of those equestrians whom also have an account on YouTube in which I spend some of my time putting cute little cheesy videos together, watch other people's cute little cheesy videos and "ooh and ahh" over their horses majestic lengthenings in a massive open field with the sunset in the background and wind flowing threw all types of hair..
So when my instructor introduced this to me, alls I could think was "Yes! Finally - A majestic lengthen here we come!"
So we ask for an impulsive trot on a 10 metre circle, leg yield a couple steps in the corner, open hips, let him stretch but also be there to block the canter because "it's hard" (says Mate.) Then reel him back in and collect him back up, still with the same energy, on a 10 metre circle. Fun, fun, fun!

  • 50 cent exercise - a very, very, very, very hard but fairly simple one.
To be honest, I have absolutely no idea where the name came from. It never really turned out like a 50 cent piece? So?
Anyway, this exercise (I'm pretty sure) is to encourage a much cleaner leg yield which is to encourage bend and flex yadda yadda yadda.

So, a 20 metre canter circle (correct lead + correct bend and flex there) then ask for a counter flex and encourage leg yield to the inside of the circle, after a couple of strides, flex them back tot eh inside and ta-da, you're left with a gorgeous leg yield!
This worked so so well, I couldn't believe what so happening underneath me. It was like something had snapped into Mate's brain and I didn't even have to ask for any more impulsion (I actually thought something was wrong - "A", my instructor, can also preach for that)

No ploddy trot is ever allowed ever again!

And I feel we should all just take a moment and look at this picture! So majestic. Mmmm

Monday, 13 October 2014

Having Lots of Fun in the Sun.

It's been so ridiculously hot lately (and it's not even summer yet!) The grass is almost crunching under your feet... ridiculous.
So, what's better than to go to the beach and cool off?

Bringing the ponies!

That's right, my little valley-bound mule went on an adventure OUTSIDE of glenworth for the first time in his whole entire life. And we had an absolute ball!

Getting there? A whole 'nother story.

The beach was a short 40 minute drive down the highway from home, so not too bad. (Depending on how long you've followed this blog for) Mate has never been inside a moving float before. So it was a bit interesting..

It took us (meaning three people) about 2 hours to actually get him in. Throwing my poor horse in the deepest of the deep end, we went anyway. But we had fun?

Look at my horse,

My horse is amazing.

Mate was feeling good, so good in fact, he decided it could maybe be fun to bolt back to the group down the beach... A tad frightening, but it sure made for some good facials and an interesting position.
Lookit the ridiculousness;


 He was also convinced the waves were going to eat him;

He got the bestest butt workout ever while we where there - because the waves were obviously much too scary to go anywhere near them and onto the hard sand, we were forced to run on the soft sand. He was so uphill, soft and really pushing from behind. It was beautiful!

Excusing my face, hands and overall position, you can still see the quality! He's really sitting on his hind and pushing.

One day he'll look/work like that all the time. And not just in between teenager "games" and being lazy... one day.

The day as a whole was wonderful - everyone who came had a great time and I'm happy to say our first little outing was a success!

Very happy with my little man!

In other news, we had an epic lesson the other week in the 40 degree heat but I'll save that for the next post. Also, a new man..!