His back is very sore and he's feeling a bit down about life.
I knew what I was possibly getting myself into when buying this horse, seeing as he had been ridden in ill fitting saddles his whole life, but I just hoped it never would become a problem.
Well.... it has.
So before and after every ride, since getting the saddle fitted, I have a little poke around to see if he's bothered by anything.
And each time, the reaction is the same. Nothing.
Today when I touched his back, his reaction was met with flailing and a little dance almost knocking me over. Okaaaaaay.
I felt around some more and could legitimately feel giant knots nearing the end of his back.
My poor, poor man!
During our last few rides, when ever I mounted, he would (what it felt like) lose his footing. I didn't give it much thought as I guessed he just wasn't prepared for me to get on - therefore becoming unbalanced...
But it seems the answer was because he was so sore that when I mounted, the saddle would shift and put pressure right on that knot!
I feel horrible.
I've booked a highly recommend physio to come out Saturday to hopefully sort it all out. Praying he'll be okay!
As for the surprised part, since Mate has been an agistment pony, I've noticed some changes in him.
His personality has really started to bubble and I'm honestly loving it!
He's a complete puppy dog that's just quite happy to be loved on.
The Mate I knew down in the valley was an arrogant, pig-headed, smart arse pony.
He always used to just have this evil look in his eye - which he would proove once you mounted.
Now? A massive candle bum!
And when ever he manages to get me off, which isn't very often, he's always very apologetic when I retrieve him.
So I guessed, if anything was bothering him ( ie. The saddle not fitting ect ) he'd let me know. I'm honestly shocked that he still allowed me to work him while being that sore.
He means the absolute world to me and I hate to see him in any sort of pain - hopefully this physio will work all of it out and we can go back to being awesome again!
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