Monday, 29 September 2014

The Goings.

I'm Back! 
The report is good - I'm pleasantly surprised.

Freaking finally, I can ride again - I'm so excited.
After Mate going sore once again after buying a whole new saddle, we got our very own gullet made and the results are fan-flipping-tubulous.

We've had about seven consecutive rides in the new, and beautiful, saddle and he hasn't pulled up sore once. Finally!

So, obviously with a humongous smile on my face, I got to work.

I've decided to stick to flatwork for a while - I'm not really into jumping all that much and, to be completely honest, neither is Mate.


The first ride back was errrm... insightful...
It's given me a clear idea on what we both need to work on to be able to continue to move forward, up the levels.

  • Bending and flexing is extremely hard for him. He's a very straight horse, being a trail pony all his life, he's not very bendy. So I've been doing a lot of work in the 'figure of eight' and he seems to be going well and he tends to loosen up by the end!
  • Rhythm, he has none. He's actually pretty dominant under saddle and likes to think it's okay to take control and refuses to do what I ask. (And, trust me, I never ask for much. So it's insanely rude of him.)
  • Impulsion is another. He lacks a lot of "oomph" in his step and usually just motorbikes around on the forehand, yuck.

But one thing that he's been doing exceptionally well with... contact!
It usually takes him a while to warm up to finding it but he keeps it for the most part and sails around beautifully (seemingly) taking in everything like the boss pony he is.

Getting him to use his body correctly is always is a struggle. He seems to find it quite easily but getting there is the hard part. Once he sits on his hind and pushes, it's beautiful.

I am extremely happy with how he's going - there's still a long way to go but we'll get there!

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